Symbols resources
Quick Reference (7)

This leaflet provides information on symbols and notation commonly used in mathematics. It shows the meaning of a symbol and, where necessary, an example and an indication of how the symbol would be said. For further information from mathcentre resources, a search phrase is given. This Quick Reference leaflet is contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Janette Matthews and reviewed by Tony Croft, University of Loughborough.

This leaflet explains scientific notation. (Engineering Maths First Aid Kit 1.3)

Sigma notation provides a concise and convenient way of writing long sums. This leaflet explains how.

Mathematics provides a very rich language for the communication of concepts and ideas, and a set of powerful tools for the solution of problems. In order to use this language, it is essential to appreciate how symbols are used to represent quantities, and to understand the conventions which have been developed to manipulate them.

The letter e is used in many mathematical calculations to stand for a particular number known as the exponential constant. This leaflet provides information about this important constant, and the related exponential function.

This leaflet explains the use of the modulus symbol in conjunction with inequalities. (Engineering Maths First Aid Kit 2.17)
Teach Yourself (1)

This introductory booklet describes conventions used in mathematical work and gives information on the appropriate use of symbols.
Third Party Resources (2)

Support material from the University of Plymouth:
The output from this project is a library of portable, interactive, web based support packages to help students learn various mathematical ideas and techniques and to support classroom teaching.
There are support materials on ALGEBRA, GRAPHS, CALCULUS, and much more.
This material is offered through the mathcentre site courtesy of Dr Martin Lavelle and Dr Robin Horan from the University of Plymouth.
The output from this project is a library of portable, interactive, web based support packages to help students learn various mathematical ideas and techniques and to support classroom teaching.
There are support materials on ALGEBRA, GRAPHS, CALCULUS, and much more.
This material is offered through the mathcentre site courtesy of Dr Martin Lavelle and Dr Robin Horan from the University of Plymouth.

The Learning Enhancement Team at the University of East Anglia (UEA) has developed la series of interactive resources accessible via Prezi mind maps : Steps into Numeracy, Steps into Algebra, Steps into Trigonometry, Bridging between Algebra and Calculus, Steps into Calculus, Steps into Differential Equations, Steps into Statistics and Other Essential Skills.
Video (1)

This introductory section provides useful background material on the importance of symbols in mathematical work. It describes conventions used by mathematicians, engineers, and scientists.
(Mathtutor Video Tutorial)
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.
Video with captions which require edits (1)

This introductory section provides useful background material on the importance of symbols in mathematical work. It describes conventions used by mathematicians, engineers, and scientists.
(Mathtutor Video Tutorial)
The video is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.