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Pharmacy calculations resources

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Resource type At-a-Glance 01: Units & Strengths
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 1) covering units of measure, prefixes and strengths. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 02: C1V1=C2V2
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 2) covering the use of proportional sets to calculate equivalent amounts, strengths and substitutes. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 03: Percentage strengths
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 3) covering the calculation of the amount of substance in a concentration expressed as a percentage strength. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 04: Ratio Strengths
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 4) covering the calculation of the amount of substance in a concentration expressed as a ratio strength. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 05: Amount strengths
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 5) covering the calculation of the amount of substance in a concentration expressed as an amount strength. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 06: Converting strengths
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 6) covering the converting a strength expressed in one measure to another â?? parts, percentages and amounts.. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 07: Diluting a % solution
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 7) covering calculating how much base to add to a product to achieve a lower desired concentration.. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 08: Increasing a % solution
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 8) covering calculating how much ingredient to add to a product to achieve a higher desired concentration. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 09: Mixing concentrations
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 9) covering calculating the strength of a mixture of two different concentrations. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 10: Serial dilutions
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 10) covering calculating the amount of a concentration needed to produce a final desired concentration and volume. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 11: Multiple dilutions
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 11) covering calculating the amount of substance needed in an initial concentration to produce a final desired dilution and volume. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 12: Formulations
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 12) covering calculating the quantity of each ingredient required to produce a different quantity of a master formula. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 13: Concentrated waters
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 13) covering calculating the amount of concentrated products required to produce single- or double-strength products. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 14: Prescriptions (1)
At-a-Glance 14: At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 14) covering calculating the quantity of tablets/capsules required for a prescription This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 15: Prescriptions (2)
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 15) covering calculating the quantity of a pre-packaged liquid product to supply.. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.
Resource type At-a-Glance 16: Prevalence
At a Glance - Pharmacy Calculations (Leaflet 16) covering calculating the prevalence of a condition within a given population. This resource has been contributed under a Creative Commons licence to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Matthew Copping, University of Kent and reviewed by Dr Scott Wildman, Medway School of Pharmacy. It is one of a series of 17 resources funded by a sigma Resource Development grant.